Diamond and CBN grinding wheels, Diamond powder

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Diamond & CBN grinding wheels

Abrasives Grinding wheels

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  • Grinding wheel for external and surface grinders

    Meules de rectification cylindrique et plane à liant vitrifié

    Cylindrical external grinding wheels, grinding wheels flat for steels treated or untreated, these wheels can be bonded with resinoid or vitrified binder.

  • Grinding wheels with sintered ceramic abrasive crystal

    Meules de rectification à grain céramique fritté

    Grinding wheels, grinding wheels bonded with abrasive ceramic sintered steels for the treated, to speed steels, the abrasive can increase the cutting performance of the wheel while reducing the cutting force on the machine. It can be agglomerated with resinoid or vitrified bond.

  • Centerless grinding wheels

    Meules de rectification centerless

    Centerless grinding wheels for grinding in a row or infeed, especially for mass production. These abrasive wheels may be agglomerated with resinoid or vitrified binder.

  • Grinding wheel of rolls and mills for lamination

    Meules de rectification de cylindres de laminoirs

    Grinding wheels of rolling mill rolls for cold or hot trains, but also to roll paper mills. These wheels are used both fonts steels, hardened steels, high speed steels and other high alloy steels. Usually these wheels are bonded with resin bond, but also after the vitrified centerless grinding matériau.Meules for interconnecting or diving, especially for mass production. These abrasive wheels may be agglomerated with resinoid or vitrified binder.

  • Internal grinding wheels

    Meules de rectification intérieure

    Internal grinding wheels or bore mainly for treated steels, these wheels are usually bonded with vitrified but occasionally with resin bond.

  • Grinding wheels for sharpening hypodermic needles

    Meules de rectification d’aiguilles hypodermiques

    Grinding wheels or grinding hypodermic needles for medical, stainless steel. These wheels are always bonded with resin bond.

  • Double-disk grinding wheels

    Meules de rectification double-faces

    Grinding wheels double sided infeed or through-feed depending on the application, this method is mainly used for mass production to repeat the same thickness of machined parts.
    These wheels are generally bonded with resin bond, but can also be done with vitrified.

  • Hot pressed snagging wheels

    Meules de décriquage pressées à chaud

    Wheels scarfing, grinding discs for steel mainly these wheels are used at high speed around 80M/S, and pressure applied to the wheel exceeding ton.